Monday, June 25, 2012

Apple's failed products

A list of failed products from Apple's stable, but has it stopped them ?

“Underpowered, overpriced, and underutilized – that pretty much describes everything that came out of Apple in the mid-90s," a PC World journalist once said, summing up Apple's (AAPL) interesting failures.  

Some were ahead of their time, some were outstripped by newer technology. Some of Apple's flops represented the triumph of aesthetics over functionality, and some were felled by the ascendancy of market reality over magical thinking. 

What constitutes Apple's “failures”? Products that sucked up man hours and development funds, were released commercially and then, for myriad good reasons or none, ceased to exist. Here are 10 examples. 

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Apple Lisa (1983-1986)The Lisa project -- reportedly named after Steve Jobs' daughter born the year the project started, but also an acronym for "Local Integrated Software Architecture" --  was Apple's stab at a PC with a graphical user interface. Apple targeted the Lisa to the business community and priced it at $10,000, sending even people who spend other people's money scurrying for the cheaper IBM PCs (IBM) on the market and making spendthrifty NASA the Lisa's primary customer. The high price bought a system whose Motorola central processing unit, at 5 MHz, couldn't keep up with what the machine was designed to do. The Macintosh, released in 1984, was the beginning of the end for the Lisa.
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Macintosh Portable (1989)
Designed as a battery-powered laptop that would work as well as a desktop computer, the Macintosh Portable boasted the innovative plan to use SRAM to help with battery life. Unfortunately, once the battery ran down, there was no way to reboot the computer on AC power. That it cost as much as a used car and, at 16 pounds, strained the definition of “portable,” didn't help matters. After only a year in production, it was discontinued.
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Pippin (1996)
A Frankenstein mix of a gaming console and a PC, the Pippin's downfall was two-pronged: at $600 in 1996 dollars, it was three times the price of the more nimble and functional and better equipped Nintendo N64. And as for connecting with the Internet – the Pippin's 14.4kbp speed, glacial even for dial-up, made it easier to just not go online.
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Twentieth Anniversary Macintosh (1997)A celebration of Apple's first 20 years in business, the TAM was one of the first desktops to use an LCD screen. It was equipped with Bose speakers and a snazzy design, and offered the cachet of being one of only 12,000 built. It was geared toward the kind of buyer who would happily pay $7,500 for the exact same specs as the $3,000 Power Macintosh 6500. Such buyers were not as plentiful as Apple imagined – the fact that the newly re-entrenched Steve Jobs himself owned one did nothing to help sales, and after a succession of ineffectual price drops, the machine was discontinued.
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Hockey Puck Mouse (1998-2000)
This design debacle came in an array of Jellies colors, but the cutesiness couldn't compensate for the awkward round shape. The mouse was difficult to maneuver and the push button frustratingly evasive, even after Apple tweaked the design to include a small indentation. The mouse also had an inherent and unprofitable left-hand bias – the 2-foot cord only barely reached around from the left-side USB port of most Apples.
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Newton (1993)
A forward-thinking project, the Newton was both an operating system and the world's first personal digital assistant – in fact, the PDA got its name from Apple CEO John Sculley. Although the iPad uses a different OS, the Newton was essentially its precursor. At the time, the market was looking for small, smaller, smallest, and at a nearly iPad-sized 8-by-5 inches, the Newton didn't fit the bill. Like other failed Apple products, the Newton was priced higher than its functionality warranted. Once the smaller, cheaper Palm Pilot hit the market, the Newton PDA was toast. Though the tablet is gone, a version of the OS is still around as an open source project.
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QuickTake (1994-1997)
One of the first digital cameras, the QuickTake succumbed to leaps in digital photography technology and the profusion of established camera companies offering them. Kodak andFujifilm (FUJIY) separately collaborated with Apple on versions of the QuickTake, which was meant, predictably, to work only with a Macintosh. The camera stored eight photos at a maximum resolution of 640x480 and had no focus or zoom. You couldn't preview pictures on the camera or delete individual pictures, and since Apple isn't actually in the business of making cameras, the QuickTake was quickly overtaken by more competent, less proprietary competitors.
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Eworld (1994-1996)
eWorld was Apple's attempt at a Mac-only version of the early America Online network. At its peak, the service had 115,000 subscribers compared withAOL's (AOL) 3.5 million. Like AOL, eWorld offered an insular online world and limited access to the outside Internet with its proprietary browser and e-mail system. eWorld failed primarily because Apple was too distracted by its massive financial problems to market it or price it competitively. Intimidated by the larger market share held by former contractual partner AOL, Apple decided to cut its losses and focus on sure things.
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G4 Cube (2000-2001)
Although its 8x8x8 design was distinctive enough to land it a spot in the Museum of Modern Art's collection, the G4 Cube was overpriced, a fatal flaw that had had taken down other Apple creations. Apple's own Power Mac G4, though not a design marvel, cost some $200 less for the same capabilities and things the Cube's design precluded, like expandability and a fan. The G4 Cube price didn't include a monitor, it tended to overheat, and early versions often came off the line with cracks in the case. In short order, Apple's own rapid advances in processor speed made the Cube the computer version of the Polaroids of the era – of cult value only.
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ROKR (2005)
Apple's collaboration with Motorola on a phone that stored and played 100 iTunes failed, alright – and not just for Apple. Jonathan Rubinstein, then head of Apple's iPod division, expressed his deep commitment to the ROKR he'd helped bring into existence when he mused days after the release, "Is there a toaster that also knows how to brew coffee? There is no such combined device, because it would not make anything better than an individual toaster or coffee machine. It works the same way with the iPod, the digital camera or mobile phone: it is important to have specialized devices."

His eerily unprescient remarks came on the heels of Motorola CEO Ed Zander's meltdown once he discovered Apple had simultaneously released both the ROKR and its nemesis. "Screw the nano,” Zander said during a 2005 Silicon Valley press conference. “What the hell does the nano do? Who listens to 1,000 songs? People are going to want devices that do more than just play music.” True, but not true enough to save the ROKR.

Silver plate

Social Innovation

Is there an innovation that is not social ?

When we go out developing business solutions, process re-engineering or convergence, what is the goal behind it ?

Is the idea to make best product in the market or most useful & meaningful ?

BlackRock : 5 Reasons To Underweight India

A new paper from the BlackRock Investment Institute, “When the Elephant Gets Sick: India at a Crossroads,” elaborates on these downsides of the Indian economy and offers a few more. 

Here’s the paper’s list of five things currently wrong with the Indian economy.
1. Fiscal and current account deficits are hurting India’s capacity to finance growth.
2. High inflation and a weak rupee currency limit the Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI) maneuvering room to cut interest rates, and current relatively high interest rates put a damper on economic activity.
3. Policy-making is slow-moving and erratic (thanks to a logjam of bills and official probes), and the probability of much-needed reforms in the near future is low.
4. Domestic consumption underpins India’s 7% economic growth, but there are signs it’s faltering.
5. As India is a major oil importer and is the world’s No. 2 gold consumer, the country’s current account can be negatively impacted by energy and gold prices.
In light of these economic problems, the Institute, like me, expects the Indian market to trade down in the near term. As the paper points out, Indian “equities could dip by 10% in the next six months if global investor sentiment sours further.”
While the Institute also sees the Indian market as a potential long-term opportunity, noting that investors able to handle volatility could see a 10% to 15% upswing over the next 18 months, I’d remain cautious on the market for the next year or so and use it to balance overweights to China (MCHI) and Taiwan (EWT). In fact, this position has worked well since I started advocating it in February.
And perhaps more importantly, the problems with the Indian economy highlighted above don’t just matter for the Indian market. Just as China’s economic fate is important for the global economy, so too is India’s. As the Institute points out, India was a top-five contributor to global growth in 2011 and it has the world’s 11th largest economy. As a result, a further faltering India would only add to global investor anxiety and would be a negative for global equities.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Silver Plates for Eating

The Health Benefits of Using Silver Plates for Eating

Introduction (approx. 200 words): In today's fast-paced world, where convenience often takes precedence, the significance of traditional practices and their health benefits are often overlooked. One such practice that deserves attention is the use of silver plates for eating. For centuries, silver has been cherished not only for its aesthetic appeal but also for its numerous health benefits. In this article, we will explore the advantages of using silver plates for dining and how they contribute to overall well-being.

  1. Antibacterial and Antimicrobial Properties (approx. 400 words): Silver possesses inherent antibacterial and antimicrobial properties that make it a valuable material for eating utensils. Studies have shown that silver has the ability to inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria, including Escherichia coli (E. coli) and Staphylococcus aureus. These properties can help prevent foodborne illnesses and promote better hygiene in the kitchen.

  2. Natural Preservation of Food (approx. 400 words): Silver has the remarkable ability to naturally preserve food. When food comes into contact with silver, it undergoes a process known as oligodynamic effect, wherein the metal ions present in silver act as a natural preservative. This effect helps to inhibit the growth of bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms that cause food spoilage. By using silver plates, one can enjoy the benefits of naturally preserved and healthier meals.

  3. Enhances Flavor and Aroma (approx. 400 words): Silver plates have been revered for their ability to enhance the flavor and aroma of food. When food is served on silver, the metal interacts with the taste buds, stimulating the senses and intensifying the flavors. Silver's thermal conductivity also helps to retain heat, ensuring that the food remains warm for a longer duration. The result is a more enjoyable dining experience with heightened taste sensations.

  4. Reduction of Allergies and Asthma Symptoms (approx. 400 words): Many individuals suffer from allergies and asthma triggered by certain metals. However, silver is considered hypoallergenic, making it an excellent alternative for people with metal sensitivities. Unlike materials such as nickel or stainless steel, silver rarely causes allergic reactions, providing relief for those prone to allergies or asthma. Using silver plates can help create a safer dining environment for individuals with sensitivities.

  5. Anti-Inflammatory Properties (approx. 400 words): Silver is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, which can have positive effects on the body. When silver comes into contact with food, it releases trace amounts of silver ions, which are believed to have anti-inflammatory effects. These ions can potentially help in reducing inflammation in the body and promoting better digestion.

  6. Positive Energy and Mindful Eating (approx. 400 words): Silver has long been associated with positive energy and mindfulness. In Ayurveda, an ancient Indian system of medicine, silver is believed to balance the body's energies and enhance overall well-being. Using silver plates for eating not only adds an element of beauty to the dining experience but also encourages mindfulness and conscious eating habits, leading to a healthier relationship with food.

Conclusion (approx. 200 words): Incorporating the use of silver plates for eating can be a simple yet significant step towards improving our overall health and well-being. From its antibacterial properties and natural food preservation to its ability to enhance flavor and reduce allergies, silver offers numerous benefits. Additionally, silver's association with positive energy and mindfulness adds a deeper dimension to the dining experience. By embracing this age-old tradition, we can enjoy not only the aesthetic appeal of silver plates but also the tangible health advantages they provide. So, why not bring a touch of elegance and health into your dining routine by considering the use of silver plates?